Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nazis in the White House?

"KALAMAZOO — The White House appears to be laying the groundwork for President Barack Obama to shake the hand of each senior at Kalamazoo Central High School's commencement ceremony next month.

Seniors are being asked to provide their birthdates, Social Security numbers and
citizen status to the Secret Service so background checks could be performed. Such a check is required for anyone who gets within an arm’s length of the president, students were told at their senior breakfast Friday.

Of the fact that the White House is
requesting information on all the graduating seniors, K-Central Principal Von Washingon Jr. told the students, “I’ll let you figure out what that means,” said senior Simon Boehme, who was at the breakfast.

“Everyone is excited that we might have the opportunity to shake the president’s hand,” Boehme said."

So, let me see if I understand this. If the police in Arizona asked for this information they'd be Nazis, but if the White House requests it for National Security reasons that's OK?

Just saying...

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