"Just a few minor things to catch up on for the weekend now that the Fundraiser-in-Chief has gone on another vacation (Don't worry though. White House chef Sam Kass went along, so the first family need not eat ordinary human food.)
-- Despite Vice President Joe Biden's April boast that administration stimulus spending would spur the economy to add a half-million jobs a month by now, initial unemployment claims jumped a half-million last week, the worst since last November, as national unemployment remains at 9.5% and the economy sheds 131,000 more jobs.
-- But before leaving for his ninth presidential vacation, 10 days at a....
According to the president, he's been "adamant" with Congress for months now about a new jobs bill to help small businesses. Obama says this really good bill is stalled in the Senate, where so much administration legislation has been crammed through so effectively by Majority Leader Harry Reid.
The very same party that has controlled both houses of Congress since the 2006 election and reallycontrolled them both since the 2008 hopey-changey balloting.
Ben Smith reported on Thursday that at least one Democrat strategist is strongly recommending that incumbent Democrats back away from the health care bill that they pushed so hard for.
A confidential PowerPoint presentation has been leaked on-line. The presentation warns "Many don't believe health care reform will help the economy". and counsels against making claims that "the law will reduce cost and [the] deficit."
On their web site, conservitive Think Tank Heritage Foundation is equating this to a Democrat call to "...abandon ship on claims that lawmakers made for months during the health reform debate--that the legislation would in any way reduce the nation's deficit or lower heal care costs..."
If public opinion continues to decline for the Democrats, I fully expect Princess Pelosi to find some way to claim that the health care bill was Bush's fault.
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