In Texas, between 60,000 to 65,000 babies achieve U.S. citizenship annually by being born in the state's hospitals, according to a tally released by the state's Health and Human Services Commission. Last year, such births represented almost 16 percent of the total births statewide."
"Between 2001 and 2009, births to illegal immigrant women totaled 542,152 in Texas alone."
Appearing on CNN Friday, Gutierrez said talk of holding hearings on the amendment was an effort to "demonize children in the wombs of their mothers."
"These are the people that are for the sanctity of life," Gutierrez said. "And, yet, they're going to attack an unborn child and say, if that child is born, we will get rid of it from this country immediately."
However it seems that Rep. Gutierrez uses unborn children as a political convenience, just as Nancy Pelosi uses religion. On several occasions Speaker Pelosi has quoted scripture and likes to conjecture on "what would Jesus do" on immigration. Both members of Congress are strong abortion supporters, including the practice of "partial birth" abortion. So I guess either Peosi and Gutierrez are flaming hypocrites, or Jesus favors open boarders and abortion.
You can decide for yourself and cast your vote in November.
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