The most "open and transparent" administration EVER continues the process of pushing toward a health "reform" bill that will be accepted by both the house and the senate. As reported in the Washington Post, President Obama personally lead the negotiations behind closed doors:
"Obama led the negotiations himself, cajoling, wheedling and prodding House and Senate leaders to make compromises that will result in one bill that can pass both chambers, even if by the narrowest of margins and with no help from Republicans."
Of course only those in attendance have the full details of what compromises and deals are being made. No republicans, no C-SPAN. Although some details have leaked out. When the powerful unions that supported the President in the election backed away from supporting the bill due to proposed taxes on their existing premium health insurance coverage, also known as the "Cadillac Plan Tax," the President made sure there was an $60 billion exemption for his friends. The tax is still there, he just created a exemption for union members.
From Philip Klein of The American Spectator:
"If this policy is adopted, it would mean that there could be two Americans receiving the exact same benefits, but one American may be taxed and one wouldn't, and the only difference would be one of them being a member of a union. This is unseemly and unfair, even by the standards of Obamacare. It has nothing to do with policy-making. It's simply an outright bribe to a constituency that has contributed handily to Democratic campaigns."
Lower taxes for those that support the President and his agenda. Where is the outrage from those who said the Republican "Party of No" is creating a divide in American politics?
One heath care bill for two different Americas.

Change you can believe in.
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