Saturday, October 9, 2010

Murder and Double Standards South of the Border

48 Americans have been killed in Mexico so far this year. The body of David Hartley, killed while jet skiing on Falcon Reservoir with his wife has as yet to be recovered. Mexican authorities have chosen to cast doubt on his wife rather then help recover his body.

Now as you consider this, keep in mind that Mexico is joining Argentina, Bolivia Brazil, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, and Chile in submitting a friend-of-the-court brief in Obama's Justice Department challenge to Arizona's new SB 1070 immigration law.

With friends like these....

It turns out that the Mexican government is very concerned with illegal immigration. The are in the process of constructing a fence along it's border. It's Southern Border. While not being reported in American media, the irony was picked up by the Canadian press.

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