"To retreat further - means to waste ourselves and to waste at the same time our Motherland. Therefore it is necessary to eliminate talk that we have the capability endlessly to retreat...it weakens us and benefits the enemy... This leads to the conclusion, it is time to stop retreating. Not one step back! Such should now be our slogan." - Order 227
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Guess Which Party Oakland Mayor Represents?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Obama = Anti Business
From Investor's Business Daily:
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Obama's African 'Fast and Furious"
In my house we have a few basic rules. No dogs on the couch, dirty plates go in the sink, and don't give kids under the age of fifteen an AK-47 or rocket propelled grenades (RPG). It seemed like a good rule. Even our government has a rule about not providing military aid to African countries that use kids under the age of 15 in their military (often times by force.) But you know how kids are, always complaining their parents are too strict, "All the other kids get their own AK-47! Even President Obama is sending them to the poor starving kids is Africa!"
And now it turns out that's true. The Obama administration has waived (very quietly of course) the Child Soldiers Protection Act of 2008. For the second time in two years.
From Foreign Policy magazine website:
"President Barack Obama has decided to waive almost all the legally mandated penalties for countries that use child soldiers and provide those countries U.S. military assistance, just like he did last year.
I couldn't agree with the last sentence of that last statement more. Obama has got to go.
Bernie Sanders Wants Your Money
I kept waiting for Fed Chairman Bernanke to respond that perhaps the reason there were a small group of people who created tremendous wealth since the late 1970's is that these Americans worked to develop and market world class technology, goods, and services. Wealth driven by the success of companies like Microsoft, Dell Computers, Oracle. But of course since Bernanke is an Obama appointee, that did not happen.
Maybe Senator Sanders would be happy if we all emptied our 401(k) accounts, went to Wall Street, and handed out cash to those less fortunate, like this guy who is currently occupying Wall Street:
Like the President said, spread the wealth!
The Party of No
From The L.A. Times:
"As the president in Texas urged Congress to vote on his jobs bill, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell threw the Senate a curveball on Tuesday by trying to do just that.
“I agree with the president, I think he’s entitled to a vote on his jobs bill,” the Republican leader said on the Senate floor as he tried to force an immediate vote on the American Jobs Act by attaching it to unrelated legislation.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid refused."
More from TheHill.com:
The best part of the story is Obama is hitting the fund raising circuit using the premise that the Washington stalemate is due to Republicans, and if they'd only pass his jobs bill flying unicorns would appear in the sky distributing bags of money to his supporters for infrastructure projects and green jobs.
From The Daily Caller:
Now it appears that some Republicans in Congress are getting tired of being the used as the President's political punching bag when Reid and his Democratic colleagues in the Senate have yet to produce a budget for the country.
I expect come next November, we"ll discover which party is seen by the American people as the 'Party of No'.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Fast and Furious: Holder's Smoking Gun
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Time for Some Sunshine on Obama's Solar Agenda
"A Daily Caller investigation has found that in addition to the failed company Solyndra, at least four other solar panel manufacturing companies receiving in excess of $500 million in loan guarantees from the Obama administration employ executives or board members who have donated large sums of money to Democratic campaigns.
The report provides the dirty details of the financial transactions and support between those who benefit from the loans and those in the current administration who control who gets the advantage of building their business with taxpayer money.
Why would the White House defer questions on the tactical actions under by their current policy to the Democratic National Committee??? Perhaps they don't want these questions being brought up during the daily briefing, which could force Obama's friends in the media to start asking questions the White House doesn't want to answer. Awkward questions that could follow Obama through the election process.
Could it be that the White House doesn't want to deal with question on why First Solar founder and Chairman Michael Ahearn, who donated $123,650 to Democrat election campaigns and whose company just received $2.1 BILLION in taxpayer money, cashed in $68.9 Million of company stock ? If the founder and Chairman is betting against his company by dumping nearly $70 Million of stock, why are taxpayers being asked to provide life support to another green energy company that can not otherwise compete in the market? I'm guessing the White House is attempting to push this investigation as far away from them as possible, knowing that their friends in the mainstream media will not pick up this story until the public forces them to.
More from The Washington Post:
"Crony Capitalism: $737 Million Green Jobs Loan Given to Nancy Pelosi's Brother-In-Law"
Click the headline to jump to the link to their story.
And now it turns out the IRS was modifying tax policies that would specifically benefit Solyndra:
It's time to shine some sunlight on the Obama administration's investments in green energy.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
German Finance Minister: No Thanks to Obama "Stupid Idea"
"German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble said it would be a folly to boost the EU's bail-out machinery (EFSF) beyond its €440bn lending limit by deploying leverage to up to €2 trillion, perhaps by raising funds from the European Central Bank.
"I don't understand how anyone in the European Commission can have such a stupid idea. The result would be to endanger the AAA sovereign debt ratings of other member states. It makes no sense," he said. Mr Schauble told Washington to mind its own businesss after President Barack Obama rebuked EU leaders for failing to recapitalise banks and allowing the debt crisis to escalate to the point where it is "scaring the world"."
I can't imagine why the Germans wouldn't want to jump all over Obama's economic theories and ideas. After all, look at what a great job he's been doing for us.
Obama Warned Green Jobs Possible "Colossal Failure"
"Treasury chief Timothy F. Geithner and others were worried that the selection process for federal loan guarantees fell short and raised the risk that funds could be going to the wrong firms.
At a White House meeting in late October, Lawrence H. Summers, then director of the National Economic Council, and Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, expressed concerns that the selection process for federal loan guarantees wasn't rigorous enough and raised the risk that funds could be going to the wrong companies, including ones that didn't need the help."
It's ALMOST as if Obama had some ulterior motive for wanting to give Solyndra federal government support...
Execution for Iranian Pastor Who Refuses to Renounce Christianity
Nadarkhani was first arrested in October 2009, reportedly for objecting to the teaching of Islam to Christian children at Iranian schools. The indictment against him accused him of organizing evangelistic meetings, sharing his faith and inviting others to convert, running a house church and “denying Islamic values.”
Click HERE for the details of the activities of those fun loving Iranian Muslims.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Piling On: More Changes of Possible Obama Corruption
Eli Lake at the Daily Beast breaks the story:
"The four-star Air Force general who oversees Air Force Space Command walked into a highly secured room on Capitol Hill a week ago to give a classified briefing to lawmakers and staff, and dropped a surprise. Pressed by members, Gen. William Shelton said the White House tried to pressure him to change his testimony to make it more favorable to a company tied to a large Democratic donor.
According to officials familiar with the situation, Shelton’s prepared testimony was leaked in advance to the company. And the White House asked the general to alter the testimony to add two points: that the general supported the White House policy to add more broadband for commercial use; and that the Pentagon would try to resolve the questions around LightSquared with testing in just 90 days. Shelton chafed at the intervention, which seemed to soften the Pentagon’s position and might be viewed as helping the company as it tries to get the project launched, officials said.
The White House confirmed Wednesday that its Office of Management and Budget suggested changes to the general’s testimony but insisted such reviews are routine and not influenced by politics."
To quote the legendary Bill Mayes, "But Wait, there's MORE!". It turns out that President Obama himself was personally invested in LightSquared...From The Center for Public Integrity:
When the Federal Communications Commission granted LightSquared Inc. expedited approval to launch a new wireless Internet service, some powerful voices in Washington expressed alarm, including the Pentagon and one-third of the U.S. Senate.
LightSquared's bloodline is particularly rich. Its ties to President Obama's supporters and the administration's policy interests run deep, explaining the company's ability to do battle with powerful entrenched interests:
Business Truths Meets Hope and Change!
(Right, after all look at all those people in the Obama administration with a solid track record in real world business. No wait...)
(Big surprise!)
Taxpayer money was illegally subordinated to an investor with major ties to Obama???
Here's the icing on the solar cake, the Bush administration didn't make the loan because they were uncomfortable with the numbers.
"WASHINGTON -- Solyndra officials were intensely pressuring Bush administration officials in early January 2009 to approve a government loan for the solar company before the Obama administration took power, according to new emails obtained by Fox News on Friday.
Severe impact indeed, like filing for bankruptcy because it was loosing money on every solar panel they sold. Stupid Republicans don't know beans about business compared to college professors and community organizers. Everyone knows that sales volume offsets transaction losses. I believe I read that on Guy Kawasaki's blog.
I'd say the business skills of the Obama administration is as good as the German Coast Guard English...
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Pirates in Gulf of Mexico!

Oil is being discovered in unheard-of quantities, 230 miles into the Gulf of Mexico in waters so deep its retrieval would have been impossible even five years ago.
ExxonMobil, and its Norwegian partner Statoil made the biggest discovery of all — a field worth a billion barrels of oil — 7,000 feet below sea level in its "Julia" field in 2007.
Exxon tried to keep its discovery secret to keep marauders away. Sadly, the pirates in this instance are U.S. regulators — and their aim is to stop them.
That's right: Instead of marvel at the continuing treasures of the New World, or hail the human ingenuity that made retrieval of so much oil possible, or simply quantify how this discovery will boost U.S. energy security, Interior Department bureaucrats moved instead to snatch Exxon's permits and shut the whole thing down.
Employing an extreme technicality, these regulators claimed that Exxon's request in 2008 for a short suspension of activity to upgrade and make safer its drilling operation amounted to an abandonment of three of its five permits, simply because Exxon hadn't signed a contract with another partner, Chevron, by the time the suspension was completed.
In the past, such glitches were no problem — after all, it's obvious Exxon, which spent $300 million on exploratory wells, hasn't abandoned the operation.
But in the Obama era, which demonizes oil production in American waters by American companies, the bureaucrats came up with this permit technicality to effectively expropriate the entire operation.
Exxon is now fighting the permit action in a federal court in Lake Charles, La., calling it "arbitrary," "capricious" and "an abuse of law." It's also a textbook case of the anti-business climate fostered by the Obama administration which should be bending over backward to help Exxon create jobs and profits.
So let's look at what the Obama administration is trying to accomplish, and what it's costing you as a result.
The Exxon discovery is the biggest in a decade. If put into operation, its billion barrels will be enough to make a dent in America's oil dependency on foreign tyrants. If that isn't a sufficient national security reason, what is?
Exxon's discovery will also create thousands of jobs — at a time of 9.1% unemployment. Already the oil industry supports 9.2 million jobs and 190,000 more will be added if Gulf drilling is allowed to resume — along with a big multiplier effect. Many of those jobs will be in manufacturing — in places like Youngstown, Ohio, which just opened a new steel plant to make drilling pipes.
Oh yes, and if it can simply start up operations, Exxon's discovery will generate $10 billion in taxes and royalties for the heavily indebted U.S. government.
The fact that the Interior Department is using its permit process to bludgeon signals this is really about politics. This administration wants to punish Exxon for its refusal to kowtow to Obama's green agenda, as well as for its high profits ,which are reviled by the left.
It's a sorry spectacle to see Exxon — which willingly endured the risk, put in vast infusions of investment capital, sent out brave men to watery no-man's land to drill, and invested massive amounts in R&D — lose its entire operation over a petty permit dispute.
Exxon believes it can win its case in court, but the effects of such bureaucratic plunder will spread a message — that anyone who succeeds in striking black gold will become a government target.
White House Gives America Another Friday News Dump

NPR Has Solution for Jobs!
Obama's Solution to Jobs and Immigration
...Illegal aliens living in the United States typically don't apply for work permits for fear of deportation, but under the new policy, they could apply for work permits if granted deferred action or parole and compete with 22 million Americans who can't find a full-time job.
Saturday, August 13, 2011

"The debt ceiling fiasco and the downgrade, punctuated by ... stock market gyrations, has made something in me snap. "It's the sound of confidence in Obama's leadership breaking" -- Matt Miller, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress.
"The president has failed up until now to produce a coherent explanation about where we are and what we need to do that Americans can understand" -- William Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank.
Monday, August 8, 2011
"Handle it!"
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
They Passed It, Now We Know

A recent study by McKinsey & Co. reveals the level of unease felt by employers.
Thirty percent of those polled reported they will definitely or probably stop offering health insurance in the coming years. The study further showed the more aware employers were of the law, the more likely they were to think they would drop coverage for their employees.
Job creators aren’t the only ones left with uncertainty. Also buried in the 2,700-page law is a newly created board of 15 unelected bureaucrats who will have the power to severely limit services available to our nation’s seniors. Unlike many “boards” created in Washington, the Independent Payment Advisory Board’s recommendations to the secretary of health and human services will have the power of law.