"To retreat further - means to waste ourselves and to waste at the same time our Motherland. Therefore it is necessary to eliminate talk that we have the capability endlessly to retreat...it weakens us and benefits the enemy... This leads to the conclusion, it is time to stop retreating. Not one step back! Such should now be our slogan." - Order 227
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Obama Rewards Unions...Again

Monday, November 22, 2010
Straight Talk From Allen West
How do you fight against a guy who is willing to die, you grant him his wish, ok…you kill these guys…"
Straight Talk on Security
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Great American Health Care Waver Scam
"…I have been shocked by the number of Obamacare waivers that have been coming out of the Department of Health and Human Services. According to the New York Times, one hundred and eleven waivers have been granted to employers to allow them to avoid the new health insurance mandates.
The only thing more shocking than the number of waivers is who is getting them. Would you believe that they are some of the most ardent supporters of health care reform?
Unions like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the United Federation of Teachers, and the Transport Workers Union have all applied for and been granted waivers from the rules.
The fact is, Obamacare is bad for business, bad for workers, bad for seniors, and bad for taxpayers."
Rush Limbaugh hits on some of the low water marks coming from the Obama Administration regarding it's health care 'reform':
Christian Prisoners Used as Organ Donors
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Easier to Walk Across Boarder then to Fly to Grandma's House
Religion of Peace
WASHINGTON – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized Wednesday the state of religious freedom in Europe, as Washington highlighted policies and attitudes toward Muslim veils and Islam as a whole.
“Several European countries have placed harsh restrictions on religious expression,” Clinton said, without elaborating as she unveiled the State Department’s report on international religious freedom for the last year.
Her assistant secretary for human rights, Michael Posner, cited France’s ban on wearing the niqab and other face coverings in public places and a Swiss motion passed last year that bans building new minarets.
Both measures have been criticized as intolerant moves stigmatizing Europe’s growing Muslim population.
Posner acknowledged “growing sensitivity and tension in Europe” over Islam. “What we are urging our European friends to do is to take every measure to try to alleviate that tension,” he added.
The different attitudes toward Muslims in Europe and the United States are the source of frequent tensions and misunderstandings between both sides of the Atlantic.
“We have gone to court in the United States to enforce the right of Muslim women and girls to wear a burqa, and on the streets, in schools, et cetera,” said Posner.
“That’s our position. It’s a position we articulate when we talk to our European friends.”
Monday, November 15, 2010
Dancing With Conservitives
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A Spooky Halloween Stimulus Story
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Islamic Fun at School
MALAYSIA’S parliament this week debated whether or not it was right for teachers to cane a 10-year-old boy for bringing pork to school.
The Malaysia Star reported the argument centered on whether the boy, who was caned 10 times across the hand for eating a home-cooked meal of fried rice with pork, is Muslim or Christian. If the boy was Christian he would not have broken any rules by eating pig products.
Angela Jabing said her son Basil was disciplined for eating a non-Halal meal. She is a Christian and her husband, Beginda Minda, has denied being a Muslim.
The Star reported that a decree issued by the National Fatwa Council means that if either parent is Muslim the child must be Muslim.
“I admit I was a Muslim before. But in 1999, I changed my religion. Now I am a non-Muslim,” Beginda said.
The government is now investigating whether Beginda is a Muslim or non-Muslim.
“Only after this can conclusions be drawn on why his son was caned,” said government minister Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz.
In most Muslim countries, anyone who's father is Muslim is also seen as Muslim by birth regardless of what choices and claims they may make later in life. Unless of course your last name is Obama.
Obama Trip a Bust
From the New York Daily News:
"President Obama is coming home from his overseas trip pretty much empty-handed.
After watching his party take a beating in the midterm elections, Obama wasn’t able to secure even a symbolic victory on a trip that was expected to give him plenty of opportunities to claim a win.
“This certainly was the worst 10 days of his political life,” said Baruch College political scientist Doug Muzzio. “Given that he’s not going to be able to get any domestic achievements with the Republicans in control of the House … if he doesn’t do it in foreign policy that’s a big problem for him.
“He came back with bupkis [Yiddish for 'nothing'].”
Obama’s inauspicious 10-day, four-nation trip included a failure to land an anticipated slam dunk free trade agreement with South Korea.
It also included a botched effort to rally Western allies to press China to budge on a monetary policy that threatens to keep the U.S. economy in the tank.
Yet Obama appeared to shrug off the lack of results during summit meetings with the world’s most powerful leaders.
“Naturally, there’s an instinct to focus on the disagreements, because otherwise, these summits might not be very exciting; it’s just a bunch of world leaders sitting around intervening,” Obama told reporters in South Korea.
“What’s remarkable is that in each of these successive summits we’ve actually made real progress,” he added, without anything of substance to point to."
Even MSNBC Chris Mathews is starting to ask questions:
And the Washington Post goes 'all in', calling on the President not to seek re-election:
"We do not come to this conclusion lightly. But it is clear, we believe, that the president has largely lost the consent of the governed. The midterm elections were effectively a referendum on the Obama presidency. And even if it was not an endorsement of a Republican vision for America, the drubbing the Democrats took was certainly a vote of no confidence in Obama and his party. The president has almost no credibility left with Republicans and little with independents…
Obama can restore the promise of the election by forging a government of national unity, bringing business leaders, Republicans and independents into the fold. But if he is to bring Democrats and Republicans together, the president cannot be seen as an advocate of a particular party, but as somebody who stands above politics, seeking to forge consensus. And yes, the United States will need nothing short of consensus if we are to reduce the deficit and get spending under control, to name but one issue.
Forgoing another term would not render Obama a lame duck. Paradoxically, it would grant him much greater leverage with Republicans and would make it harder for opponents such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) – who has flatly asserted that his highest priority is to make Obama a one-term president – to be uncooperative.
And for Democrats such as current Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) – who has said that entitlement reform is dead on arrival – the president’s new posture would make it much harder to be inflexible. Given the influence of special interests on the Democratic Party, Obama would be much more effective as a figure who could remain above the political fray. Challenges such as boosting economic growth and reducing the deficit are easier to tackle if you’re not constantly worrying about the reactions of senior citizens, lobbyists and public employee unions."
Final two words: Lame Duck