"To retreat further - means to waste ourselves and to waste at the same time our Motherland. Therefore it is necessary to eliminate talk that we have the capability endlessly to retreat...it weakens us and benefits the enemy... This leads to the conclusion, it is time to stop retreating. Not one step back! Such should now be our slogan." - Order 227
Friday, July 30, 2010
Another Case for Term LImits
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Quote of the Day
Sunday, July 25, 2010
An Inconvenient Truth
Texas Doctors Opting out of Medicare "at Alarming Rate"
Two years after a survey found nearly half of Texas doctors weren't taking some new Medicare patients, new data shows 100 to 200 a year are now ending all involvement with the program. Before 2007, the number of doctors opting out averaged less than a handful a year.
“This new data shows the Medicare system is beginning to implode,” said Dr. Susan Bailey, president of the Texas Medical Association. “If Congress doesn't fix Medicare soon, there'll be more and more doctors dropping out and Congress' promise to provide medical care to seniors will be broken.”
More than 300 doctors have dropped the program in the last two years, including 50 in the first three months of 2010, according to data compiled by the Houston Chronicle. Texas Medical Association officials, who conducted the 2008 survey, said the numbers far exceeded their assumptions.
Quote of the Day
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Amazing New Technology Added to My Blog!!!
"We" Have Plenty of Money!
The Islamization of our Schools
Fountain Valley School Board Superintendent Marc Ecker said he did not believe any immediate action would be taken on Jackson's proposal. He said the board would most likely decide to put the item on a future agenda for discussion or dismiss it immediately.
“What they're objecting to is material in a state-adopted book,” he said. “It's a state-adopted book for a number of reasons… I can't imagine the board spending a great deal of time on (this issue.)”
The people in California, always a step ahead of the rest of us, have been working with the Institute of Religion and Civic Values (formally known as "Council of Islamic Education", who also lease space from Fountain Valley School District) to ensure that the textbooks are completely and totally accurate(and politically correct!) when it comes to Islamic history.
Now some other outside agitators have jumped into the fray. "TextBook Alert", whose website claim to be "A source for accuracy", and that "The goal of Textbook Alert is to insure standards of education that are historically accurate and ethnically and culturally unbiased", so you just KNOW these guys are crazy.
Textbook alert has taken issue with the said textbook in question, issuing a list of nagging little inconsistencies between the 7th grade history book and actual history.
Textbook, Page 61: "Jews, Christians and Muslims also recognize many of the same prophets. Muhammad taught that prophets such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus had lived in earlier times."
Textbook Alert: "Judaism and Christianity do not regard Abraham, Moses or Jesus as prophets."
Textbook, Page 61: "Muhammad respected Jews and Christians as "people of the Book" because their holy books taught many of the same ideas that Muhammad taught."
Textbook Alert: "The Qur'an refers to Christians and Jews as "apes", "pigs", "dogs" and "worse than cattle". (Surahs [chapters 2:64; 5:59-60; 7:159-166; 7:176; 25:44.) This according to what Muslims regard as the word of Allah as revealed to Muhammad, is their belief about the true essence of Jews and Christians.''
Textbook, Page 83: "Muslims generally practice religious tolerance, or acceptance, with regard to people they conquered. In other words, the Muslims did not ban all religions other than Islam in their lands. Jews and Christians in particular kept many of their rights, since they shared some beliefs with Muslims."
Textbook Alert: "...The alternatives offered to conquered Christians and Jews are conversion to Islam, or death; they enjoy 'protection' only as they endure humiliation and severely restricted religious and civil rights...''
What's the truth? I guess the truth depends on where your standing. My suggestion is that you educate yourself and form your own opinions. I recommend author Mark Gabriel, born in Egypt he obtained a Ph.D in Islamic history from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, where he taught Islamic history until his father tried to kill him for questioning some of the basic teaching of Muhammad. Of course Mark Gabriel is not his given name. He changed his name in an effort to keep his head attached to his shoulders.
Knowledge is power. Educate yourself before this textbook finds it's way into your schools.
Bernake: Tax Cuts Good for Economy
Ted Nugent: A True American
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Most Transparent Administration EVER!

But in July 2009, Homeland Security introduced a directive requiring a wide range of information to be vetted by political appointees for "awareness purposes," no matter who requested it.
- White House transparency
Career employees were ordered to provide Secretary Janet Napolitano's political staff with information about the people who asked for records...and about the organizations where they worked.
Complete story at the link.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Media Bias During Election
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
We Want Them to Enjoy the Experience
It Doesn't Matter What You Call Me...
Riots in France? What Riots?
The two men fired shots at them, police said, wounding an officer. Police returned fire, killing one of the men, Karim Boudouda.
Mr Boudouda, 27, had three previous convictions for armed robbery.
The second suspected robber was still at large as of Saturday afternoon.
The riot erupted after a memorial service for Mr Boudouda, and saw more than 50 cars burned.
France was on riot alert yesterday after hundreds of Muslim youths went on the rampage in Grenoble.
Shots were fired at police and dozens of shops and cars were set on fire in the Alpine town. Trams and buses were also held up by gangs brandishing baseball bats and bars, and a service station was looted.

NYT: Stunning reversal, Obama Defends Healthcare as "Tax"
If I were a cynical person, I'd almost think that these people would say anything in order to push their agenda.
WASHINGTON — When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s “power to lay and collect taxes.”
And that power, they say, is even more sweeping than the federal power to regulate interstate commerce.
Administration officials say the tax argument is a linchpin of their legal case in defense of the health care overhaul and its individual mandate, now being challenged in court by more than 20 states and several private organizations.
Under the legislation signed by President Obama in March, most Americans will have to maintain “minimum essential coverage” starting in 2014. Many people will be eligible for federal subsidies to help them pay premiums.
In a brief defending the law, the Justice Department says the requirement for people to carry insurance or pay the penalty is “a valid exercise” of Congress’s power to impose taxes.
Forks In The Road Ahead
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Obamacare Funding Abortions

Maryland will receive $85 million in federal funds for its federally mandated high-risk insurance pool, which will cover abortions. As CNSNews.com reported on July 14, Pennsylvania will receive $160 million in federal funds for its high-risk insurance pool, which will also cover abortions.
During the debate over the health-care bill, President Obama delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress, saying: “Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.”
Friday, July 16, 2010
What is Obama Agenda in Kenya?
On Aug. 29, 2007, Raila Odinga signed a secret Memorandum of Understanding with Sheikh Abdullahi Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum of Kenya. In exchange for Muslim support, Odinga agreed, among other things, to:
- Rewrite the national constitution to install shariah as the law in all "Muslim declared regions."
- Elevate Islam as "the only true religion" and give Islamic leaders an "oversight role to monitoractivities of ALL other religions."
- Establish shariah courts in every Kenyan divisional headquarters.
- Ban Christian proselytism.
- Fire the police commissioner for "allow[ing] himself to be used by heathens and Zionists" to oppress Muslims.
- Adopt Islamic dress codes for women.
- Ban alcohol and pork.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Figures Don't Lie, But Democrats Do.
An Opinion Worth Reading
Latest Poll Show Americans are Learning the Truth

Two years ago, the majority of American voters supported freshman U.S. Sen. Barack Obama for president. Today, neither he nor his party seem that popular. Why?
No one supported candidate Obama based on his achievements — military, legislative, administrative, or creating jobs in the private sector. There weren’t any.
"On the question of Obama's leadership, 42 percent of registered voters now say they have confidence that he will make the right decisions for the country, with 58 saying they do not. At the start of his presidency, about six in 10 expressed confidence in his decision-making."
"Among those who say they definitely will vote in November, 53 percent disapprove of the way he is handling his responsibilities."
Not to pile on the dropping approval ratings, but by a margin of more than two to one, according to a new Gallup poll, Independents oppose the Obama administration’s lawsuit against the new Arizona immigration law that requires local law enforcement officers to determine the immigration status of someone they have stopped if there is reason to suspect the person might be in the United States illegally.
Meanwhile additional reasons for Americans to distrust this administration continue to appear. This Sunday, on NBC’s Meet the Press, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that, “The President is not going to, at a time of economic crisis, raise taxes on the middle class… For middle class Americans, who have borne the brunt of this economic calamity, we’re certainly not going to raise taxes on them.”
Too late.
Since January of 2009, President Obama and Congressional Democrats have enacted into law $670 billion in gross tax increases — $316 billion of which will be collected through tax hikes that hit the middle class families the President claims to be protecting. So far, Democrats have passed, and the President has signed into law, at least 14 violations of the President’s pledge that, “no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase."
Just hours after the WaPo/ABC poll showed that only 43% of Americans had confidence in Barack Obama as a leader, CBS reports that their poll shows that number to be only 40%. Fifty-four percent disapproved of his economic policies.
The Emperor is naked.