"To retreat further - means to waste ourselves and to waste at the same time our Motherland. Therefore it is necessary to eliminate talk that we have the capability endlessly to retreat...it weakens us and benefits the enemy... This leads to the conclusion, it is time to stop retreating. Not one step back! Such should now be our slogan." - Order 227
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Et tu, Brute?
Bob Herbert of The New York Times asks:
"The president has not made it clear to the general public why health care reform is his top domestic priority when the biggest issue on the minds of most Americans is the economy. Men and women who once felt themselves to be securely rooted in the middle or upper middle classes are now struggling with pay cuts, job losses and home foreclosures — and they don’t feel, despite the rhetoric about the recession winding down, that their prospects are good." Entire article HERE
Even the Orange County Register is beginning to doubt whether the President's wardrobe has any actually cloth:
"...the president retains his formidable political skills, artfully distracting attention from his stimulus debacle with his health care debacle. But there are diminishing returns to his serial thousand-page, trillion-dollar boondoggles. They may be too long for your representatives to bother reading before passing into law, but, whatever the intricacies of Section 417(a) xii on page 938, people are beginning to spot what all this stuff has in common: He's spending your future. And by "future" I don't mean 2070, 2060, 2040, but the day after tomorrow." Article HERE
In the words of the late, great Hunter S. Thompson, "How long, o Lord, how long?"
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Everyone Has a Talent
You Really Are Insignificant
Where Are The Facts?
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
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www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Little Change Can Go a Long Way

Our federal deficit grew $181 BILLION in the single month of July. Consumer bankruptcies increased 34% in July. President Obama has been trying to position July as "silk purse" from the "sow's ear" of not loosing jobs as fast as we were. Obama's Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is asking Congress to increase our debt limit. Apparently it is "critically important" that we get our Visa card limit increased above the current $12.1 TRILLION within the next two months.
Non-Citizen Aliens to Receive 13 Seats in Congress?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is...
White Noise

The mob is angry, gathered with their pitchforks and banners. They circle around the monster, comprised of the dead, unthinking corpse known as "Congress". The monster lashes out, scared that the light from the torches will illuminate the patchwork of scars. The monster swings wildly in self defense, hitting only air. The mob noise increases, as it becomes more vocal with every new scared voice that joins. The monster is confused, don't these people understand he really doesn't mean any harm?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
About TIME!
Hope and Change: What are the Priorities?
Five U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan
Afghan roadside bomb is deadliest attack in '09
Wednesday, February 25th 2009, 2:48 AM
Five U.S. soldiers were killed and three wounded in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan Tuesday.
Four soldiers died in southern Afghanistan after their vehicle hit a roadside bomb - the deadliest attack on American forces there this year, military officials said.
An Afghan civilian working with the soldiers was also killed.
In Iraq, two thugs wearing cop uniforms opened fired at a police station in the northern city of Mosul, killing one soldier and wounding three others. Their Iraqi interpreter was also shot dead.
The Defense Department released the names of the three soldiers who were killed in Iraq on Monday.
One of the fallen soldiers was Cpl. Michael Mayne, 21, of upstate Burlington Flats.
He and two other soldiers were killed in a gunfight in Diyala Province, one of the last Al Qaeda strongholds in the country.
Meanwhile in Saint Louis:Democrat supports bring in union members to town hall meetings while refusing to admit anyone who might be a protester. Police made 6 arrests, including a local news camera man who was filming the events:
St. Louis County police on Thursday arrested six people, including a Post-Dispatch reporter, outside a town hall forum held by Rep. Russ Carnahan, said Dawn Majors, a Post-Dispatch photojournalist who witnessed everything unfold.
It happened about 8:30 p.m at Bernard Middle School on Forder Road in Mehlville. Carnahan, D-St. Louis, had drawn a rowdy crowd that overflowed the school gym and left dozens of people outside. Many of those who showed up at what had been billed as a forum on aging carried signs about the national health-care debate.
Dozens of people were kept out because there was no room for them inside. Members of the local Tea Party Coalition, a movement that has emerged to counter President Barack Obama’s policies, had urged their members to attend, which in turn spurred Democrats to establish a strong presence.
The event was winding down when Majors said she saw a police squad car turn its lights on and went to see what was happening. As she approached it, her eyes started to burn.
“And that's when I realized I'd walked through remnants of pepper spray,” Majors said. She turned her attention to taking pictures.
She said she saw a woman in handcuffs who was complaining about the pain of the spray and asking to wash her face and eyes. The response of the officer who was arresting her was, “I warned you,” Majors said.
Majors said the woman had been speaking very loudly and passionately in support of health-care reform earlier in the evening. US taxpayers spent almost $13 million in expense of flying members of Congress, their staff and families. No doubt the current fleet of jets in service need to be increased in order to keep members of Congress up to the personal standards that they have become accustomed to.
“She made herself very visible,” Majors said.
She also saw a man handcuffed and on his stomach. The man kept asking why he was being arrested, Majors said. An officer nearby said she wasn't the arresting officer, but she would let him know later. That response upset the man on the ground, she said.
Another man was sitting on the ground rubbing his knee, but was not handcuffed. Majors said she heard an officer tell him that he would be taken to jail and booked.
She also saw Post-Dispatch reporter Jake Wagman, who was reporting on the event and shooting video for stltoday.com. He was standing on a sidewalk, taking video.
As she photographed everything, Majors said she heard Wagman yell her name and say that he was being arrested. She turned and saw he had been handcuffed and was being put in the back of a squad car. The officer said Wagman had been interfering, Majors said.
She said she did not see what led up to his arrest.
Efforts to get the police version of what happened have been unsuccessful as of 10 p.m.
And in Tampa:
Again, union members are brought in for purpose that can only be described as "crowd control".
And in Washington DC:
Congress put forth plans to spend $550 milion to by eight new jets, 3 Gulfstream V and 3 Boeing 737, to add to the fleet of two dozen passenger jets maintained by the US Air Force to fly members of Congress, their staff and families. US taxpayers spent almost $13 million in expenses last year transporting Congress around to perform their appointed duties.
What is happening to our country?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Does Your Opinion Count?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Jihad in America
I'm a Criminal, Report Me!
Buyer's Remorse

Monday, August 3, 2009
Obama Healthcare: Is There a Long Term Agenda?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Check Out Sheila Marshall
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Future of America?
John McCain: What Might of Been...